Smt Mina Swaminathan elected as the Distinguished Chair : Gender and Development in recognition of her multi-faceted contributions to the genesis and growth of MSSRF.
The Trustees of M S Swaminathan Research Foundation have pleasure in honouring Smt Mina Swaminathan by designating her as “Distinguished Chair : Gender and Development” w.e.f. 29 March 2014. Smt Mina Swaminathan is a well known educationist and has contributed much nationally and internationally to both Early Childhood Care and Education and Gender and Development. In addition, she has developed pedagogic methods for the education of first generation learners and has utilized drama as a medium of education. Her books in these fields are widely read and quoted.
At MSSRF, from the outset, Smt Mina Swaminathan has made very active contributions to the development of both intervention and academic programme, as well as in the design of the physical infrastructure. She played a key role in selecting the theme, “pro-nature, pro-poor and pro-women orientation to technology development and dissemination” as the primary mandate of MSSRF.
Smt Mina Swaminathan served as a Trustee of MSSRF for three terms and also served as the Chairperson of the Personnel Committee of the Board. In this capacity, she helped to develop personnel policies to attract and retain gifted and socially oriented youth in the work of the Foundation and to ensure gender equity within the Foundation. She has mobilized street theatre and traditional art forms for promoting gender equity and justice. She played a leading role in the development of undergraduate curriculum on gender, agriculture, rural livelihoods and development (GARLAND) for Agricultural Universities.
At the national and international levels she has played an important role in promoting pre-school education and gender equity. Her work in organizing Mobile Crèches to provide development and educational opportunities to the children of poor working women has had a cascading effect. Her contributions to the development of crèches in Vietnam and Cambodia has been appreciated by UNESCO and UNICEF and is well documented.
In recognition of her manifold contributions to education, child care, women’s empowerment, and the growth and development of MSSRF, the Trustees have decided to confer on her the designation “Distinguished Chair : Gender and Development”. This is an honorary position, but necessary logistic support will be offered.
As Distinguished Chair, the services of Smt Mina Swaminathan particularly her life-long experience and expertise in the field of early childhood care and education and women’s empowerment will be available to all who wish to benefit from her vast knowledge in this area. She will also serve as a Resource Person to neighbouring Universities / Institutions which are engaged in gender- related education and field interventions.
Smt Mina Swaminathan’s email and telephone numbers are: / +91 44 2434 5312. 91-9444440200. It is with great pleasure that the Trustees of MSSRF welcome Smt Mina Swaminathan to this important position. They are confident that her help and advice will enable MSSRF to implement its pro-women mandate even more effectively.