In collaboration with the Indian Navy (Rameswaram) and the Rameswaram Municipality, MSSRF’s Fish for All Research and Training Centre, Poompuhar, organised a beach cleanup campaign along Rameswaram Sangumal beach on the morning of September 24, to commemorate International Coastal Cleanup Day (September 17).
The main purpose of the programme was to raise awareness among beach visitors, fishing communities, coastal stakeholders, and general public on the ill-effects of beach litter and consequences for the marine environment. Baseline data on marine debris was collected to understand the abundance, distribution and composition of plastics on the beach for future cleanup planning. A total of 71 volunteers participated in the beach cleanup activities.
Volunteers collected debris for about 500 meters along the coastline. A total of 1.3 tons of debris was collected including plastic bags, bottles and cups, glass bottles, clothes, fishing ropes, boat discards such thermocol, nets and footwear, among others. The segregated debris was handed over to the municipality in for proper disposal. MSSRF continues to advocate for pollution-free eco-friendly beaches through its Fisher Friend Mobile App programme.