M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), CABI, and the Department of Agri-Business and Marketing conducted a Mass Awareness Campaign on South Asian Black Thrips in Chilli at Uzavar Santhi (Farmer’s Market), Pudukkottai, on 2nd December 2024. Ms. R. Jegadeeswari, Deputy Director of Agriculture, Agri-Business and Marketing, inaugurated the Mass Awareness Campaign. In her inaugural address, she expressed her appreciation for the initiative by MSSRF and CABI to create awareness about Chilli Black Thrips through CABI digital tools, posters, and a mobile advertisement vehicle. She stated that such innovative approaches to creating awareness have received a good response among farmers. The Farmer’s Market is one of the most important places for creating awareness, as it attracts around 1,000 farmers and consumers every day. The Department of Agri-Business and Marketing will extend all kinds of support for this mass extension campaign and the use of digital tools to help farmers reduce yield losses and increase income.
Dr. R. Rajkumar, Principal Scientist at MSSRF, explained the objectives of the campaign. He stated that Tamil Nadu is one of the largest chilli producers in India. In 2021, South Asian Black Thrips were found to severely damage chilli crops in Andhra Pradesh, and now the pest is affecting many districts in Tamil Nadu. These insects lacerate tender leaves and flowers before consuming the tissues, and lacerations, particularly of flowers, affect fruit formation. Being polyphagous, they also damage crops such as cotton, bell pepper, red and black grams, mango, watermelon, and others. In 2022, the pest significantly damaged chilli crops in six southern states, with estimated losses in severely affected areas ranging from 85% to 100%. He emphasized the importance of creating awareness among farmers to prevent and control damage caused by black thrips. CABI has developed farmer-friendly content in the form of Pest Management Decision Guides (PMDGs) and fact sheets in coordination with stakeholders, including agricultural universities, government departments, NGOs, and KVKs. The campaign is being promoted through CABI digital tools and other extension methods. The awareness mobile vehicle has visited 15 chilli-growing villages, promoting awareness through agricultural scientists who explained pictorial displays pasted on the mobile awareness van. Trained master trainers demonstrated the usefulness of CABI digital tools, guided farmers on how to download the apps on their mobile phones, and oriented them on how to use the digital tools. So far, 1,400 farmers have downloaded the CABI digital tools on their mobiles, with plans to reach 2,500 farmers by the second week of December.

Mr. Deepakumar, District Development Manager, NABARD, Pudukkottai, delivered the keynote address. He appreciated the innovative method of the campaign and encouraged farmers to use CABI digital tools. He urged farmers to take advantage of this opportunity to understand the damage caused by South Asian Chilli Black Thrips and to prevent economic losses.
Mr. K. Bharathidasan, Plant Doctor, MSSRF, explained the importance of CABI digital tools, the Bioprotection Portal, PlantwisePlus Factsheets, the Knowledge Bank, and crop sprayers. Exhibitions displaying symptoms, damage, lifecycle, and management advisories, along with a special plant clinic exclusively for black thrips, an awareness rally, and the awareness mobile vehicle, were key features of the campaign.
Dr. P. Manikandan, Scientist at MSSRF, welcomed the gathering, and T. Vimala, Field Coordinator, proposed the vote of thanks.
The news article was written by Dr. R. Rajkumar.