The Programme Area adopts the strategy of Inter-disciplinary Research while working with other programme (disciplinary) themes that integrates gender studies through joint or collaborative initiatives. Also it independently carries Gender Specific Research Programmes. The major priority areas for gendered action and research are resource rights, climate change and natural resources, including biodiversity, science and technology including ICTs and sustainability, collective action and institutions. In addition, activities taken up aim to strengthen Grassroots Institutions (GRI), across Programme areas emanating from field level participatory research and development interventions.
Inter-disciplinary Research
Under this stream, collaboration between Gender studies and other Programme Area disciplines is established through joint project as well as impact studies. Such projects have explicit gender goals in the proposal itself linked with concerned scientific theme as one of the drivers. Apart from research projects and studies, nurturing inter-disciplinary research team on Science, Technology and Gender is strengthened through Gender Mainstreaming and Integration (GIM) group.
Grassroots Institutions (GRI)
Foundation has been involved in Participatory Research with local communities and farmers, especially in rural and tribal areas, related to ecological restoration, conservation and management of agro-biodiversity, soil and water conservation and sustainable agriculture. In the Participatory Research, MSSRF is adopting groups/collective approach and promoting local community-based institutions with the objectives of
- Creating a local platform to ensure effective community participation with social equity
- Building new capacities and
- Sustaining the results of the development interventions after project/programme period
MSSRF has so far facilitated 16 GRIs under different Programme Areas either on common property or private property resources with varied objectives according to the
i.Nature and mandate of MSSRF and
ii.Interests and needs of the communities living in the local context.
In private property focussed institutions, objective is to strengthen the input and output value chains with gender inclusiveness, whereas in common property resources based institutions focus is given to facilitate collective action for sustainable resource management. In both the cases social capital is promoted through collective activities identified in their respective GI’s and group/federation meetings and interactions.
Main Objectives
- Building capacities of the team members to facilitate sustainable institutions
- Developing broader guidelines and framework at the organizational level for the GRIs
- Providing need based support to become autonomous institutions and
- Carrying out research studies and innovative strategies and models