Training cum capacity building program conducted for tribal farmers at Jeypore
October 9, 2018: On October 5, a training program on Integrated Farming System (IFS) was conducted at M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), Jeypore. The renowned Professor, Dr. Bijay Kumar Maity, Department of Entomology, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology gave the training. His rich experience in IFS was shared to the tribal men and women from Kundra and Bopipariguda blocks. 23 farmers and 6 staff members participated in this training programme. His depth of knowledge in integrated farming system in the areas of aquaculture, agriculture, horticulture, duckery, dairy and honey bee farming really encouraged the farmers to practice scientific techniques in the field. This was followed by queries posted by the farmers related to poultry, honeybee and agricultural activity.
On October 6, 2018, there was a field visit with Dr. Maity, and Dr. Bikram Baliarsingh, Scientist,MSSRF and staff of NASI. The team visited Bhejaguda Integrated Aqua-Model and keenly observed the aqua and agricultural activities at the location. Dr Maity suggested for more agricultural activities, compost pit and dairy activities in the pond dyke.

The team then visited K. Mundiguda village under the Kundra block. Dr Maity observed the integrated aquaculture model pond of Mr. Arjun Kendu, and was surprised to see the growth of fish in the pond and suggested innovative way for fish feeding and wild fish control. He suggested for more horticultural activities in the dyke. The programme was coordinated by Dr. S. Malarvannan and Dr. Bikram Baliarsingh of MSSRF.