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An “Ecological Deficit Day” for India? – Prof M S Swaminathan

July 14th is being observed as US Ecological Deficit Day. The aim of this programme is to create awareness of the need to strike a balance between the growing per capita human needs for food, water, land and jobs and the capacity of ecosystem services to meet them.

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Enlarging the Food Basket with Millets : Prof M S Swaminathan

A recent media report indicates that the acreage under Ragi and millets is likely to go up substantially in Karnataka as well as in several other states. Remunerative pricing and effective procurement are the keys to revive interest in such crops.

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Need Community-Centered Approaches to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition – Prof M S Swaminathan

The target date for achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals will end this year. The first goal is reducing poverty and hunger by half.

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World Earth Day & the need for gene banks

On the occasion of the World Earth Day our basic task is the conservation of diversity and pluralism in all living organisms ranging from microbes to man.

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Importance of Soil in achieving Zero Hunger Challenge

2015 is the International Year of the Soil and the week 19-23 April is being commemorated as the Global Soil Week. 

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Four point suggestions to prepare for different rainfall possibilities this year

The changes in weather patterns and the manner in which they have affected agriculture in recent days, has raised several concerns about managing unseasonal weather, especially in the context of food security. In order to anticipate and plan for the days ahead Prof .M S Swaminathan has suggested four steps that could be adopted to prepare for different rain possibilities. The text of the statement follows:

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Gender Policies and the Rights of Farm Women -Prof.Swaminathan

I am glad the Kerala Government has announced a new gender policy with focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment. More than 50% of women are involved in activities connected with crop and animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry, agro-processing and agribusiness.

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Focus on procurement important for food security of India- Prof. Swaminathan

Public procurement at a remunerative price has been a key factor in stimulating and sustaining farm production. Inspite of NCF recommendation that the MSP should be C2 plus 50%, there is a trend towards reducing MSP to below economic level.

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Attention to nutrition of all children, required, whether male or female

India produces over 260 million tonnes of foodgrains, 270 million tonnes of fruits and vegetables and 140 million tonnes of milk. Inspite of this substantial production, malnutrition is widely prevalent. A recent study has shown that son preference leads to unequal allocation of food in the family.

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Conflict of interest should not affect public interest

We are grateful to the PM for drawing attention to the need for avoiding conflict of interest while agreeing to serve on committees engaged in policy formulation.

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Prof Swaminathan calls for safeguarding agricultural land

In the context of numerous concerns over the Land Acquisition Ordinance, Prof Swaminathan has re-emphasized the need to ensure that food security is safeguarded and prime farmland is preserved purely for farming purposes.

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“Drug based approach alone cannot help to prevent TB”- Prof. M S Swaminathan

Today (24 March 2015) is the World TB Day. TB incidence is increasing in Tamil Nadu and other states. It is clear that a drug based approach alone cannot help to prevent the growing incidence. Most of the TB affected patients are poor and are undernourished. Therefore on this day, a Movement should be launched for providing nutrition support along with the needed drugs to the TB patients.

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