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News and Events

Ensuring price stability and safety of Food: Prof M S Swaminathan

There is now widespread concern on the prevailing high rate of food inflation. Inflation in vegetable prices is particularly high, rising to 12.9% in May from 2.2% in April. Obviously this will further aggravate the problem of malnutrition, highlighted recently by the Global Nutrition Report.

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Launching a farmer’s movement to overcome malnutrition: Prof M S Swaminathan

The occurrence of widespread malnutrition, particularly amongst women and children, is a cause for concern.

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Role of Sea Water in food and livelihood: Prof M S Swaminathan

The World Ocean Day was recently celebrated. 97% of the world's water comes from oceans and in view of the growing inland water scarcity, sea water will play a major role in food and livelihood security. there is also the danger of sea level rise from climate change.

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Desilting of tanks and reservoirs for optimising the collection and retention of monsoon rains: Prof M S Swaminathan

The Telangana Government deserves appreciation on launching ‘Mission Kakatiya’ for desilting tanks and reservoirs in order to increase rain water harvesting and holding capacity.

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Eighty years of service to the farmers of India: Prof M S Swaminathan

Today All India Radio completes 80 years of service to the country. I recall when I was young, All India Radio was the source of cricket and other important commentaries. Commentators like Melville De Mello became household names.

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Career Guidance for Students Finishing School

Even as results of various Board exams were declared, MSSRF’s Village Resource Centre (VRC) Pudukkottai offered career guidance to students who passed Class XII examinations.

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World Environment Day: Prof M S Swaminathan

Following the UN Conference on the human environment held in Stockholm in 1972, June 5 of every year is observed as a World Environment Day.

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Afghanistan-India collaboration in agricultural transformation: Prof M S Swaminathan

Considering the fact that a majority of population of Afghanistan are farmers, India offered assistance in the following two areas: 1) establishment of Afghan National Agricultural Science and Technology University (ANASTU); and 2) genetic garden of Afghanistan to preserve for posterity a representative sample of the genetic diversity in major crops and economic plants.

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Food Security and Food Imports: Prof M S Swaminathan

There are reports that we will be importing fairly large quantities of wheat to meet the demand – supply gap. We have also food security legislation which provides a legal right to most citizens of the country for a certain amount of wheat, rice, jowar, bajra, etc.

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Control over seed security: Prof M S Swaminathan

A recent news item mentions that Bayer’s 62 billion dollars all cash offer to buy Monsanto has implications for seed research and development in our and other developing countries.

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Agrobiodiversity – Custodian of food and nutrition security: Prof M S Swaminathan

22nd May is commemorated every year as the International Day of Biodiversity. This is because of the importance of biodiversity in every aspect of human life and wellbeing. MSSRF has chosen the area of community conservation of agrobiodiversity for special attention.

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Declining Sex Ratio – A matter for deep concern: Prof M S Swaminathan

Declining Sex Ratio - A matter for deep concern: Prof M S Swaminathan

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