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Making National Nutrition Mission a Success: Prof M S Swaminathan

December 7, 2017: The Government has approved a National Nutrition Mission with a three-year budget of Rs. 9,000 crore. This is the government’s response to the widespread malnutrition resulting in

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Borlaug- World Food Prize intern wins award for his MSSRF work

Nick Grandstaff,the World Food Prize intern who interned at MSSRF, Namakkal in July-August 2016, has won the prestigious John Crystal Award for his work.

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Building shared value – Mitsubishi and MSSRF partner for development

Some years ago in a remote village in Koraput district in Odisha, a group of women gathered to pray in front of something that was going to make a big difference to their lives.

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Remembering Dr J Jayalithaa: Prof M S Swaminathan

 Today is the death anniversary of Revered Dr J Jayalalithaa, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

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Karshakashree Award and increasing farmers’ incomes: Prof M S Swaminathan

Drawing lessons from outstanding farm women and men, our Prime Minster had called for doubling the income of farmers in the next five years. Numerous suggestions are being given on how to achieve this goal.

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Millennium Lecture: December 6, 2017

The Mitsubishi India CMD, Mr. Eisuke Shiozaki, is delivering a Millennium Lecture at MSSRF on December 6, 2017 at 11 am.

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Biodiversity workshop emphasizes need for more media discussion

For the small group of media professionals, an early morning walk in a 10 ha Botanical Garden, listening to sounds of birds was just one of the activities at the three-day media workshop on “Bringing Biodiversity into the Media Space”.

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GDP and Gross National Happiness: Prof M S Swaminathan

Economic media are happy that this years’ Q2 GDP went up to 6.3 percent. At the same time, they report that hunger and communicable diseases are increasing in our country.

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Tomato and onion prices and achieving price stability through peri-urban horticulture revolution: Prof M S Swaminathan

Onion and tomato prices are going up in major cities causing considerable hardship to the poorer and middle class families.

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Media needs to play active role for biodiversity concerns

A strategy is needed to conserve biodiversity in Wayanad and to make it a model conservation district said Prof M S Swaminathan, Founder MSSRF at a media workshop on biodiversity here.

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Bon voyage from Bonn, meanwhile talk Talanoa

Climate change was again placed at the centre of global diplomacy over the past two weeks as diplomats gathered in Bonn, Germany, for the latest annual round of United Nations climate talks (1). The Conference of the Parties (COP) decided to convene a facilitative dialogue among Parties in 2018 and the Fijian presidency presented a robust design of next year’s stock take of the global efforts to achieve the Paris Agreement’s long-term goals and inform the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), the so-called Talanoa Dialogue (2).

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Karshakashree Award for Kerala Woman Farmer

The Karshakashree Award that recognizes an outstanding Kerala farmer has been awarded to a woman farmer from Palakkad.

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