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News and Events

World Earth Day: Prof Swaminathan

The World Earth Day, falling on April 22, is of particular significance this year since several essential life support systems like soil, water, biodiversity and climate, flora and fauna are undergoing severe damage.

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Management of the South West Monsoon: Prof Swaminathan

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has announced that the SW monsoon will be a normal one this year.

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MSSRF Live streaming – Millets, Monsoon and Market – Dialogue 2018

MSSRF is organising a  three-day Dialogue on Millets, Monsoon and Market begining April 15, 2018 in partnership with regional and international organisations.  

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Experts call for revival of millets in the context of climate change and nutrition

Millets, is an important crop for our current times, growing under extreme climatic conditions, while also providing nutrition for humans and fodder for animals, said Thiru Dorraikannu, Hon’able Minister for Agriculture, Government of Tamil Nadu at the Millet, Monsoon and Market Dialogue held today.

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World Health Day: Prof Swaminathan

Today is World Health Day and the theme for 2018 is “Universal health coverage : everyone, everywhere”. Recently Prof P C Kesavan and I had published a paper in Current Science on this topic (http://www.currentscience.ac.in/Volumes/112/12/2379.pdf).

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9th Indian Youth Science Congress Inaugurated

The 9th Indian Youth Science Congress (IYSC),was inaugurated today at Career Point University, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. Prof Swaminathan welcomed the Congress and delivered the Inaugural Address via video conferencing.

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Building a Sustainable Water Security System: Prof Swaminathan

Water security is basic to other forms of security. Naturally, there are diverse demands on available water.

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The Empowerment of Tribal Women: Prof Swaminathan

I am very happy that Smt Kamala Pujari of Koraput has been included as a Member of the State Planning Board of Odisha.

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Millets, Monsoon and Market – Dialogue 2018

MSSRF is organising a three-day Dialogue on Millets, Monsoon and Market begining April 15, 2018 in partnership with regional and international organisations.

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Dr Norman E Borlaug Birth Anniversary: Prof Swaminathan

Sunday, March 25, 2018 was 104th birthday of Norman Borlaug. The World Food Prize Foundation headed by Ambassador Kenneth Quinn has given high priority to youth education programs.

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World Tuberculosis Day: Prof Swaminathan

March 24 has been designated by the UN as the World Tuberculosis Day. It was on this day in 1882 that Dr Robert Koch announced the discovery of the bacterium that causes TB.

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