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Consider taxing high fat, high sugar, and high salt products: Dr Soumya Swaminathan

o encourage people towards a healthier diet, the Government should consider taxing high fat high sugar, and high salt products said Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist, World Health Organisation (WHO).

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Partnerships for exciting new research in 2020!

The year 2020 holds promise of exciting new research from diverse projects, both in India and across the world. Given below is a snapshot of some of these projects and what they have in store for development of communities.

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Fish 2.0 – Nagai fishers commemorate tsunami anniversary, armed with technology

The gathering at Tamil Nadu’s historic port-town of Poompuhar on the anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami, included one group in bright blue t-shirts.

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Urban transport is about people, not cars

India has the highest number of traffic fatalities in the world; need policy push to change this: global expert

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India is moving quickly from under-nutrition to obesity: Prof Pingali

Diets have changed with more money to spend on food, but is this for the better? No, say experts. “Growing income and urbanisation drive diet changes while supply has not kept pace with rising demand for diverse foods” said Prof Prabhu Pingali, eminent economist.

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‘Foldscope’, in hand, Chennai’s Corporation school children look at science and climate change

Chennai, November 25, 2019: Over 60 boys and girls pored earnestly over the origami-type of assembly paper bits. After an intense session of instructions they emerged holding up jubilant ‘foldscopes’, paper microscopes that aim to support curious minds of young people.

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Farmers pledge to protect soil health on World Soil Day

A small group of farmers gathered solemnly in Kanniwadi in south Tamil Nadu, to take a pledge. The occasion – World Soil Day.

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Managing price and supply of onions and other horticultural products in demand in urban areas – Prof Swaminathan

The very high price of onion now prevailing has again raised the question of managing demand and supply in onion, tomato and other crops widely used in urban areas.

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Most Admired Gandhian of Tamil Nadu award for Prof M S Swaminathan

Prof M S Swaminathan received the ‘Most Admired Gandhian of Tamil Nadu Award’ for his service to society through agriculture and Gandhian values.

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Governments of Puducherry and Tamil Nadu extend support to upscale Plant Clinic programme

Plant Clinic, a proven model to reduce the yield loss and increase the farmers' income, is gathering increasing support from two state governments – Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. This support came during two results-sharing workshops held recently.

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Prof Swaminathan on World Soil Day

Soil provides the foundation for our food and livelihood security systems. Soil health care needs integrated attention from a number of disciplines.

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Needs-based Public Distribution System can address malnutrition in India

Studying the needs and preferences of the public for Public Distribution of Food in India is important, as there is regular mismatch in what is needed and what is distributed.

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