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Impact of COVID-19 on rural lives and livelihoods in India

One can foresee many challenges as farmers and farm labourers set out to rebuild their lives and livelihoods.

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2020-A decisive year for Biodiversity to achieve Bio-Security

Despite the escalated biodiversity crisis, many believed 2020 would be a "super year" for biodiversity because of several milestones, which aimed to halt the loss of wild species and agrobiodiversity fall in this year.

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The global pandemic around COVID-19 has meant that governments, scientists and civil society have come together to ensure that there is co-ordinated and much-needed response, especially for those most at need.

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COVID impact on aquaculture in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha

A situation assessment & recommendations

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Immediate interim relief needed for marine fishing communities

Urgent and immediate assistance is required for India’s marine fishers. Restricted by the COVID-19 lockdown from March 20, they are additionally facing the annual fishing ban from April 15 until June 15 along India’s east coast.

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The Covid­-19 Pandemic and Indian Agriculture: A Note

The world is sliding rapidly towards a recession. The Covid­-19 pandemic will shut down large parts of the world economy for at least a few months more.

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Lockdown support: farmers dial in to agri-experts for help

The phone never stopped ringing at this one place in Pudukkottai district, Tamil Nadu all through April 1st. The event was a special phone-in program organized by MSSRF in collaboration with Department of Agriculture, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Vamban.

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Supporting efforts to combat the coronavirus

The response to CoViD-19 by MSSRF has been at different levels keeping in mind our mission as a scientific research for development institution that works with marginalized communities.

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India’s coronavirus lockdown will hit women and migrant workers hardest

In Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, I woke up to an eerie silence yesterday. The night before, India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, announced a 21-day national lockdown would start at midnight.

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Shift to upscaling food rationing now

Expanded rations will not only bring relief in this pandemic but also help sustain a nourished and healthy population

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International Day of Happiness: Prof M S Swaminathan

Credit should go to the former King of Bhutan for emphasizing that the whole concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) should be converted into Gross National Happiness (GNH).

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