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“Locust attacks: What India’s farming community needs to know”

Prevention is the absolute key and the government and community need to respond together, to address the locust attacks on farms, said the expert panel at the webinar on ‘Locust attacks: What India’s farming community needs to know’.

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Looking back to move forward: 10 ways to Green Health

MSSRF advocates for evidence-based traditional health practices

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Climate Proofing for Future Livelihoods – Water Actions begin in Tamil Nadu

Key water and soil actions for comprehensive water management are underway as part of an innovative national-level model across India.

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“Any detail is a call away” say farmers of Golaghat district, Assam

During the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent lockdown, farmers moved to using ICT as a method to obtain useful information about issues related to farming. While phones provide information on various topics, there are areas where farmers need expert guidance. Considering the value of accurate information for farmers, MSSRF held a series of ICT-based programs on key issues including pest / disease infestation, market and weather.

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Rapid Assessment of COVID – 19 relief disbursal in Koraput, Odisha

To ensure that people get entitlements as part of COVID-19 relief, a rapid survey covering about 2750 households in 57 revenue villages across Odisha’s Koraput district, has found that 500 rights holders are yet to receive benefits.

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International Day for Biological Diversity 2020: Prof M S Swaminathan

May 22 2020 was the International Day for Biological Diversity. On this occasion Prof M S Swaminathan, Founder MSSRF issued a special statement

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Include farming activities under MNREGS

The benefits of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme can be applied to agriculture now to help farming activities and also to ensure benefits for 17 million people, writes Dr R Gopinath, Senior Scientist MSSRF, in an article published in The Hindu Tamil newspaper.

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‘Reboot Tamil Nadu’ event features ideas to strengthen agriculture post COVID-19

The Tamil Nadu government plans to make villages self-sufficient and look at decentralized model in the post COVID scenario.

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Now available: MSSRF COVID-19 policy briefs print version

Since lockdown around COVID-19, MSSRF team members intensified support across seven states of India.

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Working together online to support farmers during lockdown in India

Farmers are facing the constant challenge of managing inputs to raise crops; to do so, they need the right advice and easy access to such information.

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Covid-19 and food security: Lessons for Indian Agriculture

Strong agricultural genetic diversity can strengthen food security and in turn reduce vulnerability to infections such as the current pandemic.

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COVID-19 and women agricultural labourers: Field realities from Tamil Nadu

Women’s role in agriculture is of the utmost importance not only for developing the rural economy but also in ensuring food security.

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