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Empowering Communities, Enhancing Ecosystems - A Year of Impact and Innovation

MSSRF’s efforts over the past year have continued to impact the most marginalized communities, reaching nearly 3 lakh including small farmers, fishers, and tribal families. The goal is to identify and respond to these communities’ needs through a scientific and participatory approach, bridging the gaps through appropriate technologies and strategic advice. A strong focus on gender equity runs through all our programs and we pay special attention to the needs of women farmers and fishers. Working in diverse environments such as mangroves, marine and coastal areas, drylands, and biodiversity hotspots, MSSRF has conserved and restored hundreds of hectares of degraded land, enhancing environmental health and resilience for these communities.

Additionally, thousands of farmers and fishers experienced increased incomes through Integrated Farming Systems, demonstrating MSSRF’s pivotal role in boosting local economies and improving livelihoods. Digital skilling, the use of remote sensing and GIS technologies, Agromet advisory services at the block level, and mobile apps to provide realtime information have been some of the applications of new technologies in the field.

Our educational outreach programs continue through the Village Knowledge Centres (VKCs) as well as through the recently introduced ECHO platform, which has enabled a reconnect with the Jamshetji Tata National Virtual Academy fellows. Science education for middle school children has been expanded to more sites, with generous CSR support.

Read full Impact Report 2024