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Ms Nandhini

Ms Nandhini is a Journalist since 2015 with various Tamil digital news platforms and Tamil news TV Channel. Presently she is working as a Sub-Editor in The Hindu Tamil’s Digital Team. As a Journalist, She as committed herself to the downtrodden people who doesn’t have an enough space in the mainstream media and to fulfill her idea on various topics such as Gender Justice, Social Justice, Environment, Health etc.

During COVID 19 crisis striking all over the world, she had covered the pandemic and its consequences extensively from beginning, when the first wave affected in Tamil Nadu. She reported on various sectors of people whose voices have heard in the media ranging from frontline workers, viz., Tamil Nadu tribe’s issues, gendered impacts of COVID 19, domestic violence, child marriage, reproductive health, etc. Also, she has written 2 articles about the lockdown impacts on rural women viz., women farmers and farm labourers of Sozhiyasorkulam, Villupuram, describing how COVID 19 pandemic worsen the women farmers livelihoods and how they are more vulnerable to the unorganized loans like microfinance; and (2) Fisher women of Poombuhar, Nagapattinam, elaborating, how fisher-women are facing societal negligence in the public places after the COVID 19 pandemic hit, came to light. She is the first Awardee of the prestigious Mina Swaminathan Media Fellowship and also the awardee of Laadli Media Awards 2020, for the article about ‘water crisis at Tamil Nadu in 2019 and its gendered impacts on women’.


Story 1 – Post Covid-19 – Agriculture work and women

Story 2: The Covid-19 and Fishing women

Publications and Newsletters

International Conference 2021

This fortnight e-synergy has some of the eminent participants’ videos who speak on various issues related to food and agriculture.

MSSRF Annual Report 2020-2021

Thirty-First Annual Report

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