M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) and NIAS Bangalore briefing event at the Indian Pavilion, COP27 on November 12, 2022.
Webcast link is here:
About Climate Equity Monitor: – Climate Equity Monitor is an online dashboard that assesses equity in climate action. It does so in relation to climate mitigation, energy and resource consumption, and climate policy across the entire world. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first such initiative from the global South that will compare the policies and actions of Annex-I and Non Annex-I Parties from the perspective of equity and CBDR-RC.
Over the last decade, and especially in the run up to COP26, websites/data dashboards have proliferated, claiming to track climate policies and actions, notably in the context of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. Many of these rely on, or promote methodologies that scarcely address the principles of equity, differentiation, and historical responsibility (guiding principles of the UNFCCC).
This website and its dashboards aims to address this disparity, and promote a new narrative where the South looks out on the North and the rest of the world, and is not inwardly turned. We hope to update and advance our work on a continuing basis. We look forward to being joined by many such voices from across all developing countries